Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Pinwheel for Amy

Amy, this ended up being a lot of fun! I had a hard time with the white... "which way to lay it out to cut it and then worried about the hang over of the colored pieces". But it worked out, I think. I made one for me too. I may make more. It was fun! Hope you like it. 


  1. Nice job Mardie! I love seeing the different combos / styles from each member!

  2. I love all the fabrics! Thank you so much!

    I'm sorry to everyone about the white being off. Mine was be 7 inches tall by 8 inches wide because my stipes were 7 inches tall. But some have said your stripes were 7.5 tall. My calculations must have been off a bit, or what I thought was my 1/4 inch seam must be off. for all those who haven't done it yet, if your stripes measure 7.5 then cut your white 7.5 x 8. Then cut your diagnal starting on the 3.5 down to the 4.5. Sorry it became some what of a mess. I didn't realize it would be. Like I said before, I will crop them all the same size when I get them. Thanks again everyone

  3. looks great. mardie! i love little apples!
