In college I took, “Professional Clothing Construction” from
Dr. Oaks. She was/is the most perfectly
put together 75-year-old I have ever met.
She wore the same clothes you would imagine the queen mother wearing (all sewn by herself). Her hair was snow white and perfectly
quaffed. Her teeth were stained from the
tea she sipped while she lectured.
She graded in “Amazing”, “Lovely”, “Nice”, and “Fine”
instead of letter grades (even though they still meant the same thing). She taught me many things “Your sewing should
be like the ideal woman, as lovely on the inside as on the outside.” “Pinning is for perfectionists and for those
who wish to refrain from cursing.” “If
you never want to look at it again, it probably means you’re done.”
I mention Dr. Oaks and her lessons because 1. While making
this square I did not use one pin (generally I am a pinning fool, but could not
locate my pin cushion) and I swore… a lot 2. I am not sure this square is like
the ideal woman, maybe just like most women (nice) 3. I never want to see it again, so I am
probably done; even if it is a day late.
I am not sure why I struggled so much with this square. Most of my problems came from the white
fabric. Next time I will do my research
and read all the comments before
butchering my fabric. A few good things
came of this experience. The seam
ripper and I (me?) are now affectionate friends
and I bought my first yard of Kona white (gasp, I know).